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Invitation to an International Conference

Sustainable Development and Health



Universidad El Bosque

Bogota, Colombia

June 18-21, 2019




Conference Program



Health at large is a most important issue in our world. It concerns both human beings and ecological nature – rivers, oceans, plants, animals, drinkable water, etc. As it happens, health is closely related to ongoing discussions about development, sustainability, peace and war. From the first report to the Club of Rome until more recent reports, the relationship between health and human development becomes a crucial issue that defies both social sciences and humanities, such as medicine, biology, sociology, philosophy, political science and education.


There is an increasing concern about what it means to live-well (suma qamaña, and sumak kawsay) among Andean peoples and cultures, and know-how-to-live. Our relations with nature, others and especially himself/herself are at stake, not to mention, what we eat and how we eat. Against pessimist views, we find that there are new ways of living-together emerging all around the world in local experiences. Living-well is a deepest philosophical subject, indeed.


The goal of this seminar entails a cross-disciplinary approach, for it is after all about knowing how to live well in a healthy environment both human and natural. Reductionism of any kind fails to cope with sound answers and brand new proposals. The call for a dialogue between cultures and civilizations, local and universal experiences, practices, knowledge, wisdom, as well as sciences and technologies arises unavoidably. The future of human beings and of life on earth is ultimately what is at stake.


Based on the above, this conference intends to be conducted in the following directions:


1. Health as an issue that pertains to both human beings and nature.

2. Human and social development is about problematizing what it means to live-well.

3. The future of humankind and of life on earth is not only desirable but also possible. Hence the concern about healthy environments.

4. Whilst the focus has been placed, until now mainly on sickness and disease, it is time that we should focus on health, both human and nature.

5. Personal, social, political, and cultural threads arise necessarily calling thus for cross-disciplinary approaches on the conference theme.



Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Carlos Eduardo Maldonado Castaneda [carlos.maldonado@urosario.edu.co], Luis Alejandro Gomez Barrera [gomezluis@unbosque.edu.co], and [cua-rvp@cua.edu] by May 1, 2019. Full paper will be due on June 10, 2019. Well-developed papers will be considered to be published by the RVP in its publication series "Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change."



There is no registration fee. Participants will cover their own travel costs and accommodations. The local organizers will provide meals and help find less expensive hotels near the campus.



Carlos Eduardo Maldonado Castaneda & Luis Alejandro Gómez Barrera
Facultad de Medicina 
Carrera 7b Bis N° 132-11 

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

gomezluis@unbosque.edu.co & maldonadocarlos@unbosque.edu.co











(all the materials on this website are copyrighted © by the council for research in values and philosophy)

Gibbons Hall B-20, 620 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, 20064; Telephone: 202/319-6089; Email: cua-rvp@cua.edu; Website: www.crvp.org